Dear Healthy World Member:
Our apologies for being out of touch for awhile. We were compelled to suspend publication of this Healthy World Newsletter for a couple of months to defend against the hostile takeover of our companies, the theft of our inventories, and the legal demands that followed.
This issue contains a SPECIAL REPORT of high value impacting in the natural healing arts and sciences, and music industry as well. The article was written by Dr. Horowitz. It EVIDENCES God’s LOVE as the most powerful healing force in the universe, and explains how to commune with this restorative and sustaining energy optimally, musically, vibrationally, and spiritually.
This is a most important publication you will want to share with others about Zero Point Energy, LOVE/528 Frequency, and Advancing Natural Healing Technologies to prompt miraculous healings.
This SPECIAL REPORT covers the best news and revelations the world has received in two thousand years about the SCIENCE OF SPIRITUAL HEALING and sustaining health that you can take to your community organizations and religious groups to inspire LOVE, faithful prayer, and a deeper connection to God and nature. Simply retune your instruments and voice to A=444Hz/C=528Hz and begin to feel the difference, and start making a greater difference in the world.
Please help spread this GREAT NEWS for which Dr. Horowitz has been targeted since 2007 by sick, jealous, faithless, and greedy people in a team of professional liars and libelers who have mounted an organized anti-Horowitz and anti-528 movement to forestall the 528LOVERevolution. (That’s like trying to delay the sunrise!)
Your heart is connected to God’s heart resonating in waves of LOVE, at 528 cycles-per-second. If you need scientific evidence to prove it, keep reading. This truth will alter your view of everything.
Consider first a bar magnet’s magnetic field featuring North and South poles where electrons flow like Water through the heart of the magnet and our planet.
Electrons are the universal energy carriers, each sourcing originally from the universal donor of electrons–hydrogen, element #1 in polarized Water–H2O. This truth is fundamental to the field of physics, and central to healing as well. CLICK HERE to continue reading. . .
First Students Register to Become Healthy World Ambassadors
We are happy to announce our first Level I Ambassador program registrations for Healthy World Affiliates who seek to advance their knowledge and careers in natural healing. This accredited program has been under development for more than two years, and we are finally registering people to take the Level 1 Ambassador Training in physiology, anatomy and metabolism with an introduction to energy medicine and our advancing LOVE/528 products and technologies. Level 1 training tuition is only $244 for newcomers and discounted 30% with the full starter kit purchase for only $398.88.
Coming Soon: Kane and Horowitz Co-host a New TV Series
Another great project that Sherri Kane and Dr. H. have been busy evolving to bring 528 intelligence to the mainstream is a new television series we will officially announce as soon as we are able to confirm our broadcasting schedule and locations. Our first one-hour pilot program was rejected due to FCC restrictions on “sexual content,” in this case an amusing scene involving three turtles. Our first viewers reported this clip as “hilarious.” So, in the spirit of a good laugh, we are sharing this link with you HERE.
Healthy World Staff Expands for Improved Service
Now if you prefer to place your orders with a live person, or if you have any customer service or web ordering issues, we now offer help. You will find Sean is available weekdays 9AM to 5PM Pacific Standard Time to help you by telephone at 323-378-6021.
And you can still order online at HealthyWorldStore.com, or if you are an affiliate at HealthyWorldAffiliates.com.
Our toll free order line remains available also for people who like using our 24-hour automated service at: 1-888-508-4787. Product descriptions are available here using an interactive phone messaging and prompt ordering system.
Most Healthy World Newsletter subscribers know that the main reason why Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz have been under libelous Internet attacks since 2007, as you will soon have the opportunity to read, is because in 2007 Horowitz decrypted the real da Vinci code that features 528 mathematics and demystifies how the miracle of LOVE can prompt world healing. Obviously, military and medical investors don’t favor this remedy for what ails humanity least profitably.
In addition, Kane has been at the forefront of women’s and children’s health issues associated with sexual abuse, pedophilia, and child trafficking. She has collaborated with other women who have been harassed and threatened for exposing highly controversial truths indicting, in some cases, high level politicians and media propagandists.
In the coming weeks you will be receiving shocking updates that will explain to you, in detail, what has been happening to Horowitz and Kane under constant attack by agents of BigPharma and the mainstream media.
In the meantime, here is a related contest annoucement. Dr. Horowitz is offering a case of OxySilver, the most powerful alternative to risky vaccinations and deadly antibiotics, to the first person who finds and mails him a Quicktime movie file of one of the more recent Twilight Zone segments that depicts a doctor, administering a vaccine to a long line of patients; suddenly holding up a newspaper with headlines that read: “HOROWITZ ASSASSINATED.”
Initially, about a decade ago, Dr. Horowitz was mailed a copy of that segment by a Canadian supporter who had recorded the program on a video cassette. Dr. Horowitz gave the program to a website developer to upload on his server, but it never happened, and the video disappeared.
Now, if you are able to find that segment, Dr. Horowitz is offering a case of OxySilver as a reward worth more than $500. If you acquire the segment, call 1-888-508-4787 and leave a message with your contact information.
HINT: The scene is NOT found in “The Placebo Effect”–the Twilight Zone program broadcast in 2002–in which the plot featured a doctor administering a vaccine for an imagined disease.
Begin Healing Yourself Today by Listening to 528Radio.com. . .
The 528LOVERevolution is all about LOVE, music, and global healing. 528Hz frequency is the “MI” (stands for “MIracle”) note of the original Solfeggio musical scale. This amazing “key” broadcasts at the heart of everything, including your heart and God’s heart. The center of rainbows, and the hydrogen core of the sun, resonates 528. The number is fundamental to pyramids, circles, squares, and snowflakes. Besides Carbon-6 construction in organic chemistry, this “MIracle 6” sound generates the warm fuzzy feeling you get in your heart when in LOVE. 528 makes chlorophyll greenish-yellow, pure air filled with the Holy Spirit of LOVE, and makes animals and people heal from eating or juicing green 528-resonating grass.
Try 528Radio.com for free now at i528Tunes.com, and help us build the 528RadioNetwork.com, by enjoying this music, transposed in the key of LOVE, and by making your generous contribution(s).
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