The “528LOVERevolution” SPECIAL Coast-to-Coast AM SHOW on “528: The Pure Tone of LOVE,” with Host Rob Simone and guest, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, to be Broadcast, Sunday Night/Monday Morning, Feb. 13/14.
Los Angeles, CA–Dr. Leonard Horowitz will celebrate awesome revelations about discovering “the pure tone of LOVE”–528Hz–with nationally syndicated talk show host, Rob Simone, on late night’s most popular radio program, Coast to CoastAM, on Sunday night/Monday morning, February 13/14, from 11PM to 2AM.
The two veteran media personalities will explore Dr. Horowitz’s NEW e-publication, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE.
The show promises to be historic, as it will help explain what is happening in Egypt from a metaphysical and spiritual perspective. The Egyptian Revolution foreshadows what will be occurring globally, Dr. Horowitz believes, as We The People experience our hearts opening from LOVE’s calling, associated with 528 metaphysics.
This inner drive is increasing to secure freedom, health, joy, peace, and sustainability, as we commune to fulfill humanity’s Divine destiny. This is spiritually/energetically inspired history in the making. This longing, coupled with faith, prayer, and growing bravery, is exponentially increasing, more rapidly than ever, compelled by the LOVE/528 frequency.
This 528 pure tone, that Dr. Horowitz heralds as the “key to the house of David” (as prophesied in the old and new Testaments, [Isaiah 22:22 and Rev. 3:6-8]), opens hearts and demands civilization’s evolution into peace and prosperity in all ways.
Seen from this perspective, the Egyptian Revolution is synchronous with the “528LOVERevolution.”
CLICK HERE to read The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE press release, in case you missed it.
To purchase the e-book for ONLY $9.98 CLICK HERE.
Journalist Sherri Kane Reviews Dr. Horowitz’s New Book:
The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE
528 has everything to do with Valentines Day and the science and spirituality of LOVE. Could LOVE be the reason there are 5,280 feet in a mile? Is LOVE the reason grass is green? Does LOVE make snowflakes always grow six sides? Were pyramids built with LOVE? And does that warm fuzzy feeling you have in your heart connect you to GOD, besides that special someone? These are questions raised, and affirmatively answered, by Dr. Leonard Horowitz in his latest and most amazing of 17 books. . . .
CLICK HERE to read this book review from Medical Veritas journal.
World Sound Healing Day, Feb. 14, 2011, 12 Noon Eastern Time.
Send a Sonic Valentine to Everyone Online. Join the Chorus.
Jonathan Goldman is hosting this year’s World Sound Healing Day, Monday, Feb 14, 2011. Go to the Temple of Sacred Sound by Clicking Here. You will tune in with thousands of others, to create a chorus of “AH.” That is part of GOD’s holy name. YahHoVAAAHHHhhhh, In fact, this tone resonates naturally at 528Hz frequency.
You will increasingly rely on sound healing in the coming years. Your lips, voice, and faithful, loving, heart-felt intention, transmitted by prayer to heal yourself and the world, is the most powerful remedy We The People have to respond to every urgency.
Get the Holy Harmony, CD, if you do not already have it. Pray with it before bed for healing miracles. It is still the most powerful healing CD on the planet. It uses “The Perfect Circle of Sound,” that features 528Hz, as the miracle tone of the universe.
Get the 528 tuning fork from Use it to settle your nerves and relieve stress. Use it to guide your faithful chants for Divine healing. Use the fork to resonate your bathtub for a special “baptism.”
CLICK HERE to read more about World Sound Healing Day. . . .
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If you have not already partnered with us, click the Healthy World Affiliates banner here. It offers you free membership in Healthy World Organization–advancing to replace the corrupt World Health Organization. You get a valuable website to start your own business immediately.
Be a part of the shift in energy, integrity, and prosperity. Do it NOW!
Please contact your local community cable television network, and have them schedule PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller. You can deliver a copy of the bleeped version to play to your local audience.
Also, . . .
CONTACT CONFERENCE COORDINATORS to request that Dr. Horowitz present at their next meeting, or that they show PHARMAWHORES at their next meeting. You can make several thousand dollars for a few hours of work, AND have a residual income from your alliliate member sign-ups.
Director of Marketing: Must be a Healthy World Affiliate, with marketing, sales, PR, and advertising experience. Must be internet savvy, and skilled in software applications for marketing and advertising, and have a passion for advancing the finest products and services available for personal care and global healing. Salary commensurate with ability.
Social Network Marketer:
Must be a Healthy World Affiliate. Experience with promoting websites, blogging, and all of the Social Network Marketing sites, such as FaceBook, You Tube, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. The position is passion-based and commission.