July 15, 2001
Dr. Carolyn Bormann, N.D., C.P.
Dear Carolyn,
Thanks for your letter concerning Mr. Boyd Ed Graves.
I had no idea he used his book, and my heart-felt support, to bash Christians and Jews in support of his personal, political, and gay agendas.
Furthermore, I have never seen, read, or reviewed his book. I do not know what he is quoting me as saying about his book (or work in general). Could you kindly relay this information?
I have been expecting to receive a copy of Mr. Graves’s unpublished manuscript, but it has not arrived as of yesterday’s mail. In fact, I have been asked to consider publishing this work for him as I understand he has taken money from more than 400 people for the printed text, but has no books to ship. This does not speak well for his integrity, regardless of the circumstances in his life or health.
Given my great respect for you and your work, and your words here, I assure you that I will have nothing more to do with this book, and I will continue to distance myself from Mr. Graves so long as he continues on this hate-filled bigoted path.
I am forwarding a copy of this letter to Mr. Graves through his publicist, Mr. Joel Bales, and posting a copy of this on Amazon.com and my website as well.
You can get the Special Virus Cancer Program documents through interlibrary loans now that we have published their call numbers in your copy of “Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?” (Tetrahedron, LLC, 1998). The Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP) flow chart is contained in Project Report #8, August 1971.
In my humble opinion, contrary to what Mr. Graves has been arguing, the flow chart is not “a smoking gun.” I know no one, except Mr. Graves and his publicist, who support this contention.
The document is, however, very illuminating and incriminating when placed within the context of the cancer virus experiments described in the rest of the accompanying text, which includes the contract descriptions and contractor summary reports. From this, it is proven, NCI contractors, including Litton Bionetics, created numerous viruses descriptively and functionally identical to HIV, Ebola, and more during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Associated vaccine contracts and experiments, also contained within this series of rare “Special Virus” publications, best explain how these “special viruses” suddenly jumped species from sub-human primates to man, and broke out of research labs during this period to present as HIV/AIDS by the late 1970s.
Giving credit where credit is due, thanks to Mr. Graves’s discoveries, we have the 1978 SVCP report now as well. Some of the more recent horrifying documentation concerning the man-made nature of these types of viruses is contained herein. These almost “smoking gun” documents are reprinted in my new book,Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare(Tetrahedron, LLC, 2001), in which I credit Mr. Graves, and you as well, for your contributions to my work and this field of inquiry.
Please call my office at your earliest convenience, at 1-888-508-4787. I would like to send you a review copy of “Death in the Air,” for your continuing studies.
With much love and appreciation,
Len Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
President and Publisher
Tetrahedron, LLC
From: “C.Bormann, N.D.,C.P.” <drcnb@js-net.com>
Organization: Arrowhead Healthworks
Reply-To: drcnb@js-net.com
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2001 10:47:51 -0700
To: “LEN HOROWITZ, D.M.D.” <tetra@tetrahedron.org>
Subject: Greetings in Jeshua & Questions…
Dear Len:
Hi and greetings in the Powerful Name of the Master of the Universe, our Savior. I hope this finds you and your lovely wife and kiddos healthy and prospering in the Lord…
I wanted to get some input from you on this character Boyd Graves. I was given his info. from a recent acquaintence Timm Stetz and I downloaded his new book, which I see on Amazon you’ve written a promo for which was carefully and nicely worded.
While I understand his anger at what the Government has done to millions, I’m somewhat flabbergasted at his blatant bashing of Christians, Jews or anyone else who believes the Bible’s statements about Homosexuality as un-natural and a sin…as well as his use of this critical issue platform to promote Gay agendas and racism. So far, in reading his book and he spends too much time for my taste promoting himself and his accomplishments and agendas…(which is his right to do of course but in a book that is designed to get these important facts to the American people, I think it harms his attempts and message…). Also, the epidemic has gone way past Gays and Blacks or any specific people group…it needs to be emphasized how infectious these agents are so it doesn’t become a racial issue but rather focuses on the health issues for the whole World…and how to protect ourselves from evil men, whatever color they are or their agendas (from Satan)…
Case in point: have you ever walked the hospital wards in places like Leningrad where thousands are dying too? We have….They’re as white as can be — it shouldn’t be used as a trigger to foster Satan’s agenda for racial division / stife from either side, but my concern is that Boyd is trying to do just that. Yes, its wrong, but people are lost and evil without God and injury to each other has gone on since the beginning of time… we have to try to keep the message about Genocide and fighting Evil in whatever form, not get sidetracked into racial & other agendas. Satan likes to use that weakness of humans to keep humans in bondage and away from the real issues…man is in bondage and enslaved to all sorts of things apart from God and His Mercy.
I want to get this info. out there but I can’t ethically promote Boyd or his book as a source. The information is there but its wrapped in so much agenda that it taints the source to me. I already promote you and your book and give out your website all the time. I would however like to get physical copies of the original reports for myself first hand,including the flow chart. Thanks to Boyd’s vociforous way of doing things, it may be next to impossible–it’s probably been buried. What would you suggest I do this since these are NIH documents, right? Can I order them from a Medical Research Library like at Loma Linda which is close by or do I need to go to UCLA or somewhere? Advice?
Thanks for your input. It’s too bad that Boyd disparages anyone (Christian, Jew, whomever) who holds to the conviction that gay behavior is not natural and is a sin against God. I work with Gays all the time and allow Jeshua to show His love through me to them and we have seen several go HIV negative (pretty easy biologically actually) but I don’t preach or bash them but they do know I’m a Beliver and where I stand and will love them and help them to be healed, and if they want, develop a personal relationship with the Master of the Universe, who is THE ONLY POWER who can break that bondage. I’m not into extreme conservative political correctness,e tc., but am more into allowing the Master to work through me to accomplish His purposes…hooking them up with the ONE who sets prisoners free.
Enough soap box for now, my brother. Thanks for any feedback…
Oh, hey, are you gonna have a booth again at Cancer Control? I’m having one again also…hopefully we can share a meal together with your wife this time and fellowship in the Lord….I wish I knew when you are in the LA/San Diego area so I can see you guys more often…
His Richest Joy & Presence Today…Love to all…
Carolyn Bormann, N.D.