“Wake up!”
I recently wrote the Managing Editor of the American Dental Association’s (ADA’s) “ADA News.” I was disgusted by her heinous support for what I perceive is a deadly covert agenda aimed at undermining U.S. constitutional rights and the American family institution.
I was responding to approbations which the ADA leadership accorded an ADA/Colgate Oral Health Survey conducted in New Orleans at the 1994 annual convention. Press releases picked up by the national press heralded: “In just one year, 74 percent more dentists reported making an initial diagnosis of child abuse or neglect. . . “(1)
My letter challenged the ADA to define and debate dentistry’s “increasing” role in preventing child abuse. We don’t even optimally fulfill our professional responsibility to prevent dental and periodontal diseases–particularly among the disenfranchised.(2) Now “ADA News” tells us it’s our professional responsibility to manage “overloving parents,”(3) diagnose child abuse, and act as surveillance and reporting (i.e., Gestapo) agents for the government’s “children’s rights”/social welfare bureaucracy.(1)
Dentistry’s yellow press failed to report: about 65% of alleged child abusers are falsely accused (Florida statistics, 1990);(4) children at greatest risk for abuse are the least likely to be brought in for dental care; thanks to the Clintons’ legal/constitutional manipulations, the mass of falsely accused families (over 100,000 in Florida between 1990-91 alone) spend an average of $50,000 and 2.5 years battling bureaucracy to get their families back together again (Florida statistics, 1990);(4) children removed from alleged abusers run twelve times the risk of being abused under foster care;(4) independent of abusive parents, foster care children are far more prone to develop into violent criminals;4 and most importantly, big government and the power elite doesn’t care how many families or people are killed, taxed, or suffering bureaucrats are getting richer every step of the way.(4)
On Tuesday evening September 7, 1993, the CBS Evening News aired a special “Reality Check” segment. Dan Rather reported that the United States government spends between $2.5 and $3 billion of taxpayer money every year on public relations campaigns. The administration directs 10,858 federal public affairs workers to generate a barrage of press releases which target the media and daily impact the news Americans receive. In essence, Rather reported, “critics say too much taxpayer money is being spent by the government to say nice things about itself.”(4)
The previous year during another CBS News report on “Watergate: The Secret Story,” Rather admitted publicly that much of what the news media broadcasts is censured by political bigwigs. Through the CIA, FBI and FCC, the CBS News anchorman reported, politically correct positions are guarded and counterintelligence campaigns are continuously waged and won. Rather noted, for instance, that during the Nixon administration, the CIA “had ways of influencing a lot of [media] people on the beat, either through their editors or publishers or through granting of favors, all the ways that guys, politicians from county courthouses and city halls and state legislatures do it . . . in very sophisticated ways.”(5)
Likewise in “Keeping America Uninformed,” author Donna Demac traced the demise of America’s free press largely back to the FBI and CIA again during this same period in history. Demac wrote: “[the] Reagan administration also authorized the FBI and CIA to search newsrooms and institute a stream of ad hoc restrictions.”(6)
According to the Church Committee, as early as 1976, fifty American journalists were working for the CIA. “More than 400 American journalists…in the past 25 years have secretly carried out assignments for the CIA,” according to CIA documents. Such efforts contributed to the distortion of news at home as well as abroad.(6)
The authors of Covert Action Information Bulletin added: “The CIA has at various times owned or subsidized more than 50 newspapers, news services, radio stations, periodicals and other communications entities. . . . Another dozen foreign-based news organizations, not CIA-financed, were infiltrated by paid CIA agents. Nearly a dozen American publishing houses, including some of the most prominent names in the industry, have printed at least a score of the more than 250 English-language books financed or produced by the CIA since the early 1950s, in many cases without being aware of the Agency involvement. A substantial number of the bogus news stories planted abroad were published as genuine in the United States . . .”(7)
Adlai Ewing Stevenson said, “Those who corrupt the public’s mind are more evil than those who steal from the public’s purse.” Unfortunately, the media which serve both political parties and intelligence agencies, are guilty on both counts.
Not so long ago I considered myself a lifelong liberal Democrat. The “Deadly Innocence” investigation(4) into the Florida dental AIDS tragedy and government cover-ups forced me to open my eyes. I now see that Democrats and Republicans are not so opposite faces on the same corrupt coin. I learned that the principal purpose of focusing attention on “child abuse,” and the “failed family institution,” was not to solve our nation’s woes, but to persuade the public to accept a covert social/political agenda which has been unfolding for over two decades. Its aim? To reform America’s social welfare, criminal justice and health care systems to consolidate control and distribute vast wealth among a core group of policy makers – the multinational power and financial elite.(4)
Bigger government, more taxes, less constitutional rights, and more Gestapo agents will not solve our social and financial woes. The “failed family” is mostly a symptom of dehumanizing government programs and increased tax burdens which have made it progressively more difficult for two parent families to spend quality time together while improving their standard of living.
It’s time to wage a back to basics, common sense, family values and parent/teacher/child esteem building campaign at every level in America.
ADA trustees should follow America’s vote to clean house. Throw out the trash – spare us from reading and paying the salaries of those who write the dribble which fills the pages of our JADA and “ADA News.”
1. Staff reporter. More dentists spotting signs of abuse: survey. ADA News 1994;4;4:1.
2. Redding SW and Garrison RS. Payment mechanism. JADA 1994; 125:1425-6.
3. Palmer C. ‘Overloved’ children need consistency from dentists. ADA News 1994;4;3:3.
4. Horowitz LG. Deadly Innocence: Solving the Greatest Murder Mystery in the History of American Medicine. Rockport, MA: Tetrahedron, LLC., 1994.
5. CBS News. Watergate: The secret story CBS News special program. June 17, 1992. Available through Burrelle’s Information Services.
6. Demac DD. Keeping America Uninformed. New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1984, pp. 91-92.
7. Covert Action Information Bulletin. Turner’s “Born Again” CIA. In: Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe. P. Agee and L. Wolf, eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart Inc., 1977, p. 313.