Sandpoint, ID — The core creative sounds of nature have been discovered synchronously by two investigators researching independently. Their confirmed discoveries hold tremendous potential for the future of civilization. The two researchers, mathematician Marko Rodin, and health scientist, Leonard G. Horowitz, independently confirmed the other’s discoveries of precisely the same frequencies of sound with which the universe is believed to have been created. The two came to the same conclusions by studying completely different... Read More
Tetrahedron, LLC Health Science Communications for People Around the World NEWS RELEASE Release: No.310-WW/2 Date Mailed: March. 14, 2006 For Immediate Release Contact: Jackie Lindenbach—808/965-2112 New “Intelligent Design” Evidence Underlies Theories of Evolution Sandpoint, ID — Your proposed evolution from fish or apes as a “natural selection” based on “survival of the fittest” just suffered a mathematical meltdown. A new book by... Read More
Tetrahedron, LLC Health Science Communications for People Around the World NEWS RELEASE Release: No.396-DNA/9 Date Mailed: April 17, 2006 For Immediate Release Contact: Jackie Lindenbach—800/336-9266 Historic Interview on Coast-to-Coast LIVE: Horowitz Reveals Sound and Color of LOVE Sandpoint, ID — Want more love in your life? Praying for peace? More than 250 radio stations nationwide will broadcast the special sound of love during Coast-to-Coast LIVE hosted by Ian Punnett with honored guest, “love tone” discoverer, Dr. Leonard... Read More
By Guy Gugliotta and Allan Lengel Washington Post Staff Writers Friday, December 13, 2002; Page A22 The Justice Department says it did not intend to focus attention on former Army scientist Steven Hatfill by describing him as a “person of interest” in last year’s anthrax attacks, and in fact sought to shield him from unwarranted public scrutiny, according to department documents released yesterday. The department did, however, defend its right to have Hatfill fired from his job training first responders in a biodefense program... Read More
A Special Report on the Anthrax Mailings Expressly Prepared for Simultaneous Publication in The Spectrum and Media ByPass By Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.* On October 1, 2001-approximately two weeks before the first publicly announced anthrax mailing-Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officials received an urgent warning from this author.(1) Government investigators were directed to consider the growing anthrax fright as the planned response to military-style propaganda. The American news media’s coverage of anthrax, and... Read More
By Ian Thompson TRAVIS AFB — If it was any other vaccination, Air Force Reserve Master Sgt. Clarence McNamer figures he wouldn’t have had half the problems he did. But since his medical problems could relate to the controversial anthrax vaccine, McNamer, 49, has been through the wringer to first get his hair loss, sores, shaking and other problems treated and then get his medical insurance to pay for it. “It was like the book had not been written yet to diagnose an anthrax problem,” McNamer said. “I still don’t... Read More
(The following manuscript is a revised version of the scientific paper Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and coauthors presented at the XI International Conference on AIDS in Vancouver, BC Canada on July 10, 1996. For more information contact 508-546-6586, and see “Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident, or Intentional?” by Dr. Horowitz) Abstract This article reviews scientific and U.S. Government documents that show AIDS-like viruses were developed by... Read More
Foreword by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. The following article by Jon Rappoport is the first I’ve seen reporting the harmful and possibly devastating effects of the Bush administration’s rapidly advancing smallpox vaccination program. These results were previously predicted as expected outcomes by this author and many, many others. I interject this foreword to alert you to the additional support cited below for the thesis raised earlier that the smallpox vaccination program is part of a genocidal agenda facilitated by the Bush... Read More
Foreword by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. The following article is one of the best I�ve seen on the topic of smallpox which is currently headlining many news sites. Clearly, this effort to frighten people into compliance with harmful, if not lethal, smallpox vaccination needs to be exposed for what it is�a grave hoax and genocidal scam. I say �grave hoax� because there is no rational public health value in �mandating� a vaccine most of which dates back to the 1950s, has been diluted five times for current consumption,... Read More
by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. People who put their faith and trust in the Bush administration’s smallpox vaccination program are effectively masochistic suicidal hedonists. Think about this, and the Supreme alternative. Masses of foolish “sheeple” are currently lining up to receive a 1950s brew of chemically treated, freeze dried, cow pus with mercury. The elixir, scratched into your arm fifteen times, with a crooked needle, is diluted five times from its original questionably effective, admittedly toxic, concentrate. This... Read More